Pogledajte sve radove facepainting natječaja britanskog art časopisa Illusion Magazine sa temom
''GRADOVI SVIJETA'' i pronađite oslik sa motivima grada Zagreba !!
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Također, veliko hvala modelu Mariji Buljan.
Link na natječaj : http:// illusionmagazine.co.uk/…/ face_painting_competition_- …
Malo više o osliku:
Artist: Jasmina Bator , Zagreb, Croatia. Model: Marija Buljan
This facepainitng connects four popular motifs of Zagreb.
On the forehead of the model I painted the old coat of arms of the city of Zagreb from the 13th century. According to the statute of the city, emblem has the following description: fortified town with three towers represents Gradec settlement - one of the oldest parts of today's Zagreb, open door fortified town symbolizes the hospitality of its inhabitants. The star and crescent moon are symbols of ancient Slavic pre-Christian deities of beauty and love - the goddess Lada (a star) and god Lelja (portrayed in the figure of the new moon).
This coat is lined with old croatian braiding in three national colors: red symbolizes the blood spilled for the fatherland, white is freedom, purity and independence, and the blue symbolizes faith.
On the model's chest I painted a typical model of tram that was running at the end of the 20th century. Trams are still today the main means of public transportation in city and the first electric tram line was officially opened on August 1910.
Next to the tram on the left side there is an representation of our famous sculpture by author Ivan Kozarić ''Anthony G. Matoš on the bench". Matoš was a central figure of modern croatian literature that adopted the contemporary currents of symbolism, modernism, impressionism at the end of 19th. and beginning 20th century.